First of all I would like to say thanks to all who visited my blog. Last week I was thinking about how many companies don’t have websites. I searched and got a result that 44% to 51% of small business don’t have website. I was shocked that mostly people unaware about the importance of having website. It made me to write about the importance of having a website. Any business that doesn’t have website is missing one of the most powerful marketing tools which are available to them.
Now why create a website? And is it really required to create your own website? Answer is off course yes, with the advent of search engines and their use to search anything has changed the way people used to list their business in yellow page.
Creating a website increases your sales. How? Especially if I don’t sell things online and have a small business? As I mentioned in above paragraph people find you online and your absence harms your potential business. Mostly people think that their company is small, one thing about internet is it doesn’t matter how small your company is. Having a website is important, in today’s age big part of market will not even consider you as option if you don’t have website. I know personally when I purchase product from any company and if they don’t have a website my view of that company diminish that company is poorly managed. Now If you want to know directions to your desired place, just Google map it and you’ll find. Be more customers centric and add this in your own website, here you go now people can reach to your place physically with ease too. There are more points of how can you make your website useful to increase your sales but wait I will be writing soon about it.
Website is important because it reduce the cost of print and distribution marketing. You can show your services or product on your website people also buy online from your website which provides the ease to your customers and increases the no of customers you can reach to.
Website creation is an art and since I have coordinated some projects of niXaam regarding website designing and developing I find our web designers, app designers do it the best to provide our customers with the web solution of their choice. We work hard to build your website which will enhance your company image and sales. Our teams of professional web developers’ expert with experience who know what your website need how it can be develop and which design suits your website. Once you decided to build your website with niXaam we will discuss what you really need to show in your website. Great thing is that our team are following the new trends and designing and developing websites which are not only unique but also attract new customers, and can be used as a base for your business management.
Your website speaks about you in such a way that “look we created a wonderful website for our customer”. It is an easy way to say other why your business is so much great?
At niXaam, we want you to be successful so we work hard to provide all tools which you need. We are here to help you in every step of the way. One post could never give all points why website is important so you can share your thoughts. If you have a website how it helped? And if anyone don’t have now what they are thinking? Have you make decision to build a website with niXaam? In my upcoming blogs I will be discussing the new trends of website and more so stay updated with us. Please subscribe with us blogsnewsletter@www.nixaam.com
John winters
I am john winters, working in niXaam as a marketing strategist and business development engineer who is passionate about design and develop website. With the strong background in project management I try hard to produce best results and to improve performance of our designs and our team.